Accepting Pre Orders For chicks and young pullets for spring 2025
Chick Orders Placed Now Are For Spring/Summer 2025
There is a minimum order of 10 chicks and most breeds are sold straight run, there are only 4 breeds that we can sex as a chick. We work through the orders in the order they're received, and this can take time. There is a minimum order of 10 chicks. You may choose to have your chicks vaccinated or unvaccinated, we vaccinate for Marek's only. To ensure the best health possible, please feed your new chicks a MEDICATED chick feed to prevent Coccidiosis. Please check our shipping policy and cancellation policy before placing an order. Please also read about our chick guarantees.
We ship chicks in order of payment received and we text you the day they ship out. We can also work around any blackout dates that you might have. Some chicks sell out very fast for the year, so get your order in early. Please be patient as we fill the orders. Keep in mind, we are working with live animals not fast food. We work on their schedule.
We have a live delivery guarantee and guarantee your chicks for 72 hours. After 72 hours it is up to the customer to keep them alive, it's totally out of our hands at that point. If you have chicks dead upon arrival notify us immediately and text photos while chicks are still in the box.
We have 3 breeds that we can sex as a chick, those breeds are Welsummer, 55 Flowery Hen, Bielefelder, and Crested Cream Legbar all other chicks are sold straight run.
We're excited to offer a new breed this year, the beautiful, gentle giant, Bielefelders!!
14025 County Road 975 E McLeansboro IL 62859
© 2025 Chicken Scratch Poultry.