Shipping Pullets now and into the fall. Accepting spring 2025 chick orders beginning in October

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8 to 11 week old pullet.  Black Orpingtons pullet ready to ship now.  We can only fit 2 birds of this size in the box.  If you want more than 2 you will need to place 2 orders.

The Black Orpington is a very large heavy breed. They're very friendly and docile by nature. The beautiful black shine of their feathers makes them an absolutely stunning bird. Out of all the birds on the farm last year, when guest show up to pick up their birds they always wanted to know, what is that bird and how do I get one. The Black Orpington is a good layer of a pinkish cream-colored egg. If you like poultry with big butts this is the bird for you!! The Black Orpington breed, with its gentle disposition make great backyard chickens! Our Black Orpington line is American and not English however they're a huge bird. 

Please choose Hen (Female) or Rooster (Male)